Last problem that I had to work was actually to convert all the apache felix annotation to the new R6 OSGI annotation. Anybody who is working in an AEM project knows that once you update your project to run with the AEM 6.4 server you have to update the annotation of all your services, servlets, components to the R6 OSGI.

In this post I will explain how this can be done for the servlets with examples.

Code highlighting examples

A simple servlet which is using the @SlingServlet looks like this:


java example

    paths = {"/pathtest/content"},
    methods = {"GET", "PUT"},
    name = "com.servlet.TestServlet"
       @Property(name = Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR, value = "Test Vendor"),
       @Property(name = Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION, value = "Test description"),

public class TestServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet {

        protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, @NotNull SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
          responseHTML = "<div>This is a test Servlet</div>"

If we are converting the servlet above the we get the following result:

    immediate = true,
    service ={Servlet.class},
    property = {
        Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR+"=Test Vendor",
        Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION+"=Test description"

public class TestServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet {

        protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, @NotNull SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
          responseHTML = "<div>This is a test Servlet</div>"

Comparing the two portions of code we see immediate that before we were using the @SlingServlet annotation but now we use the @Component annotation and we referrer to servlet using the attribute “service ={Servlet.class}”. A second part that change is the property paths and methods are now replace as following:

  • paths = {“/pathtest/content”} is replaced by “sling.servlet.paths=/pathtest/content”
  • methods = {“GET”, “PUT”} are replaced by the properties “sling.servlet.methods=get” and “sling.servlet.methods=put”
  • name = “com.servlet.TestServlet” is replaced by the “sling.core.servletName=com.servlet.TestServlet”

Pretty much this is it. It is not too complicated. What is really helpful is the Sling Apache documentation about servlets you can find it here .